Saturday, April 25, 2009

Preparations continue....

A few things the week has made the impending move the San Francisco more concrete: A huge garage sale - our house is looking less and less cluttered My replacement at Practice Solutions has been hired and trained. The job was an answer to her prayer as she had been looking since October. The kids are wrapping up their school year activities including Classical Conversations, our homeschool co-op. Here is Samuel receiving an award for becoming a "Memory Master" - the top prize in the program.

I'm flying to San Fran tomorrow (Sunday) to meet with some of the church movement leaders, look at a house for rent in the city we are considering and try to solidify details. It will be an important trip for connecting our heart and vision with the vision of the church planting movement there and also to make our plans for moving in late May. Please keep the following items in prayer:

*Clarity of thought and communication during two full days of meetings with state level leaders as well as some from out of state who are going to help us get the administrative hub off the ground.

*Grace for Dave as he cares for both kids on his own while I'm away.

*Open eyes to see where God wants us to live and build friendships with neighbors. We are looking specifically in the Sunset District - a largely Asian part of the city with the Russian area just across the Golden Gate Park in the Richmond Disctrict. It's also the district that seems more family oriented than other parts of the city and it tends to be foggier so it's cheaper than the notoriously high rents in the city.

Thanks for your love! We are realzing how many amazing people we've known in this season and how blessed we are. Only one month to go....

One a personal note, it has been such a freeing thing to de-clutter our lives. After 11 years in the house stuff accumulates and piles up (even though neither of us are shoppers!). It feels freeing to let go of stuff i've been holding on to "just in case I might need it someday." Looking into the unknown, God seems more trustworthy in the big things (like selling our house in a crazy market and finding a place to live in an expensive city) and the small things (like Samuel finding things to get excited about moving to California and people being able to use many of the things we are getting rid of). I feel like He is rebuilding my faith in Him even though I have certainly doubted His purposes over the last 2 years. How humbled I am at all He has done for us and all He will do in the future. What a wonderful Father.

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