Saturday, May 9, 2009

Counting down the days!

Everywhere we look it seems like things are falling into place for this move. There is still a lot that needs to happen, but it has been amazing to see how God is at work. I (Brook) visited San Fran a few weeks back. Out of that trip is growing a more concrete vision for our work there. There are three projects that Dave and I will be developing together:

First, a Church Network Hub that will serve the many small and growing plants in the city. One of the challenges newly planted churches face is that as they grow, their administrative needs grow but not enough to hire a full-time person. Pastors, who would rather be with people, often end up filling this role or hand it off to volunteers. Our vision is to have a quality service that pools resources to offer project management, communication and print services and financial services to keep these churches running well with minimal stress on the pastors. Part of my trip was meeting with California state leaders and the director of a similar hub in Seattle to pull this project together. We were able to have a set up meeting with our first client while I was there. Since I love to organize things, this will be my main project.

Secondly, Dave will be working on a short-term missions program to coordinate teams of all sizes and ages to serve various ministries in the city. We are hoping this will include training, serving and encountering God in fresh ways for both the people who serve and the people who come to serve. I am looking forward to seeing Dave use his gifts in equipping and training again.

Third, we will be keeping our business which will change from Healthcare Billing Solutions to Integrity Small Business Solutions (or something to that effect). San Fran is a city of entreprenuers and small businesses run by people of many different cultures and approaches. In talking to some local business people, it seems there is a need for similar services that we are offering the churches we serve - administration, bookkeeping, resource pooling, etc. We hope that this not only helps us make a liveable salary but also gives us an incarnational place in the marketplace and helps us build relationships with all different kinds of people in the city. A business person in the community is going to help us through this process, start as our first client, and introduce us to his contacts.

There are still many details to fall into place but every step of the way we see doors opening and feel God's leading. It's exciting to see!

We covet your prayers as we get towards the last few weeks of our time in Florida. Our one-way tickets are purchased for May 27th. Not much time left as the boxes pile higher around the house! Please keep the following in prayer:

****Housing - Our heart is to live in the city of San Francisco. We want to be immersed in the culture of the city, have a place we can use for hospitality ministry and be near the people we want to serve and reach. This would be a miracle! We've looked at many options and will stay with friends until something works out. Also, our house needs to sell here. We are praying that happens quickly and also that it would be a blessing to another family. Finances will be tight, especially the first few months, and we are looking forward to seeing how God will provide.

*****Last minute details - Packing continues and apparently the children still need to be fed and kept happy in the process! We all need physical and emotional strength to end well and stay kind to each other. And we need all those small miracles and wisdom in daily decisions to keep up with all that needs to happen.

*****Grace for all - We will be leaving family, friends and familiar surroundings and ask for your prayers to minister to our kids and the family we are leaving as well as to be ready for whatever adventure this move brings. I'm sure it is going to be harder and better than we can dream up right now. We'll need that grace that brings strength and sustenance with every little step.

If you haven't heard Bebo Norman's latest album I would highly recommend it. A line from one of my favorite songs on the album says, "Let my ruins become the ground you build upon." That is my prayer. The last two years have been a process of tearing down, removing debris and getting back to the core of following Jesus for His love and grace, not some ministry or expectation or formula. I'm seeing the signs of rebuilding. It is exciting and scary and amazing all at once.

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