Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So we really moved to California

So we've been a little remiss at blog updating but we arrived in California on May 27th. About 2 days before we left Florida a friend of an aquaintance offered us his large, kid friendly apartment in Oakland to sublet very affordably until August 1st. Also, I signed a new client for my little healthcare billing company. It was more testimony to God's provision getting us here. The kids are adjusting well and we are enjoying the significantly cooler temperatures here in Northern California. After a day at the San Francisco Exploratorium and a lovely drive over the Golden Gate bridge and back through the hills towards the East Bay, Samuel said, "Dad, I think it was a good idea to move here." Right now we are in the initial stage of loving everything - different trees, farmer's market, Trader Joe's. I'm sure this will give way to some adjustment challenges (like the sheer volume of people which is mind-boggling) but for now we are just enjoying the adventure and exploration.

There is still a long way to go to getting settled. We are working hard to get the Church Administrative Hub and short term team mission program off the ground and running. It feels like a huge task most days! We are also looking for housing in the city which poses its own challenges when you are looking for an affordable, family-friendly place. Both are tasks that need much divine inspiration and we are looking forward to seeing what God does in the coming 6 weeks.

Please pray for provision and clarity of vision as we celebrate what God has done to get us here and look forward to what He's going to do in and through us here.

1 comment:

  1. Epic move. Praying that your days will be filled with blessings and opportunity. Nathan Epting.
