Sunday, July 12, 2009

Life in the Bay Area

So we are hitting the 6-week mark here in California and sort of settling into life. The biggest news is that we've found a great place in San Francisco - affordable, close to people we know and really cute (yes - Brook writing. It was built in the '30s and has lots of character). It felt like God was leading us to it - we had looked all day outside the city and stopped by to pick up some mail. We stumbled upon an open house and it was a great place! The landlord was willing to work with our income situation and is even letting us move in a week early without charging us extra. We are planning to start a house church with two other families nearby and we are praying to be salt and light in this neighborhood.

We are also getting our projects off the ground and getting to know the amazing team of church planters here in the Bay Area. There are so many faithful, creative people here trying to reach many different ethnic groups and populations. Dave had an opportunity to preach in a church in San Pablo recently and it's encouraging to be back in ministry.

Church Network Hub California is also getting off the ground. Our vision is to provide administrative services to church plants and small churches so pastors can be freed up to do ministry. It's taking a lot of work to build relationships and communicate our vision for this ministry. Several churches have "signed on" and we have several opportunities to present to various groups of church planters. Dave will also be helping with 3 teams coming to the Bay Area to serve and hear about the vision planters have to reach this largely unchurched area.

In the meantime, our family is adjusting to the pace of life and enjoying exploring the area. The parks, library, state parks and such. We love the weather and look forward to being in the city. The only thing we aren't enjoying is the traffic! But the other day, even Samuel prayed that he was thankful God called us here. We see His goodness all over and his hand everywhere. He is especially restoring Dave's and my heart for lost people and renewing our passion for building the kingdom. There is a lot ahead to fall into place but we are so thankful to be part of what God is doing here. Thanks for your prayers!

My camera is still in a box somewhere but i snapped this with my phone at a nearby state park. Very cool old carousel.


  1. What an encouraging post. I'm so glad to hear that everything is really falling into place and you are feeling at home. Your kids are so incredible I know they will only enhance your efforts to reach people there. We are certainly relating to the feeling of being displaced - we'll "move in" this week but won't actually be "home" until the 29th. There's nothing quite like having a place you can call "yours".

  2. Brooke, My name is Shauna Pilgreen and we will be planting Epic Church in 2010 and moving to SF June 2010. We have three small kids and I have lots of questions about education and apartment living. We are certain Elijah will begin first grade in the public schools there, but know that we will miss the entire application process. Also, I look for apartments all the time!!!! It's overwhelming. Any suggestions on where to go from here?
    Our family blog is

  3. Hey Brooke, Shauna passed your blog onto me. My family will also be part of the team with Epic Church and I would love to talk with you more about life and schooling. We are homeschooling our kids and will be in CC this year. I hope to continue next year out there but there are no groups in the city as of yet. We are from Pensacola, where in FL are you from? My email is

  4. Your house has a smiley face on the chimney (or whatever it is:))
    Glad you are doing good!

  5. Hi Brook, so great to reconnect with you guys and catch up. Your ministry there sounds very exciting. I sent a Facebook message with some contact info for a friend who lives/ministers in East Palo Alto. You may have already met him in your networking with area ministries.

    Evan and I will be praying for you all!

