Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Supporting the Matrix @ San Francisco State

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Matrix at San Francisco State. Brook and I are excited to get this new ministry started and we are less than two months away from freshmen arriving on campus.

As someone that has signed up to support us in one way or another, we wanted to share with you four different ways you can help.

1. Pray for us – There is quite a bit to be done between now and then and I wanted to fill you in on a couple of prayer requests.

· Please pray for a way for us to be on campus without having to go through a bunch of red tape. Whether that is by joining up with another group already on campus or some other way, it’s vital that we find an “in”.

· Pray that we meet freshmen that are willing to host in the dorms. We are hoping to start at least one group in every living space (dorms and apartments) and finding freshmen willing to host a group is crucial.

2. Join our team - If you are local, let us know if you can help or know someone that can. We are praying for a local team to work with us, both students and non-students. To start, we are looking for people willing to lead groups in the dorms.

3. Send a team - We are looking for mission teams that would come and help with events on campus. August 19th would be a great time to be here to help with freshman move-in day. Also, if you know anyone locally that might be able to volunteer or help, please let us know.

4. Support financially – Much like our days with InterVarsity, we are looking to build a team of supporters that will give to enable Dave to be on campus as much as possible. Our goal is to raise $4000 per month. If you are able to give monthly or a one-time gift please let us know. Our local sending church has set up a fund for us so all donations will be tax deductible.

Page Street Church

238 Chester Ave.

San Francisco, CA. 94132

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